Rehabilitation Research

ELIAS Rehabilitation Research Unit (ERRU) was founded in 2003, at the same time with the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine in Elias University Hospital.

Since 2008, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine is UEMS European Board Certified Training Center for PRM doctors.

Our vision:

Our mission:
We strive to develop and to implement into clinical practice scientific knowledge effective to reduce functional loss, impairment disability and pain, to improve the individual’s capacity and performance in interaction with the environment, to enhance quality of life, in terms of evidence based rehabilitation medicine.

We have a comprehensive holistic perspective on rehabilitation research, based on the integrative ICF –WHO model of human functioning.
We wish to use our research’s outcome also in order to improve Health Education and Ergonomics. Thinking cost-effective, Rehabilitation’s principles include reducing risk and preventing impairment and disability.
Rehabilitation research means a multidisciplinary team working side by side with an individual rebuilding his or her life, in all aspects.

ELIAS Rehabilitation Research Unit
Areas of interest
• Disability
• Human Motion and Ergonomics
• Spasticity
• Pain
• Cognitive Rehabilitation
• Assistive Technologies and Robotics
• Biofeedback and Sensing Systems
• Balneology
• Health Education


Invention patent no. A/00193/2022. Mechatronic System for Pelvic Girdle Stability and Gait Movement Control for People with Neurological and Musculoskeletal Conditions.

Invention patent no. A01118/2018. BOPI no. 6/2020. Posturing device for spastic forearm, to enable botulinum toxin injection.

Invention patent no. A/00852 din 12.09.2014. Mechatronic system for Vertical Alternative Swinging of the Pelvic Girdle.

Invention patent no. 120173 4/480, from 25.08.05: „Device and Method for Osteoporosis Treatment”. M Berteanu, Cristina Berteanu, Gilda Mologhianu, Alina Iliescu. issued in BOPI no. 10/2005.

Invention patent OSIM no. 116945, from 20.07.2001: „Authomatic Controled Device of Lower Limb Charge”. M Berteanu, M Nicolescu, D Stănculescu, D Fărcaş. issued in BOPI 8/2001.

Invention patent no. 116249: „Method and Device of Hydro- Massage- Thermotherapy”, M. Berteanu. Issued in BOPI 8/2000.

Invention patent no.115404 B, 26.02.2000: „Thermo-Therapy Device”, M. Berteanu. issued in BOPI No.2/1999.

Invention patent no.112406: „Method and Device for Vascular Massage/Drenage of Limbs”, M. Berteanu. issued at 31.07.1998, in BOPI no.8, 1998.

Ongoing Projects

AAL “AGAPE” “Active aGeing And Personalised service’s Ecosystem “(AAL-CP-2021-8-124-AGAPE)(2022-2025).

Horizon Project ETHEREAL – Project: 101095568 — ETHEREAL — HORIZON-HLTH-2022-DISEASE-07 (01.01.2023-31.12.2025).

THCS ROOMMATE- IntegRated system of rObOts and Multimedia Monitors: technology for innovAtion and personalizaTion of rEhabilitation care (2024-2026).

Completed Projects
Completed Financed Projects:

AAL ”Smart Intervention for Senior Isolation – SI4SI”  aal-2020, (AAL-CP-2020-7-108-SI4SI-1)  (2021-2023) Contract 236 din 01/04/2021.

Erasmus+ EAC/A03/2018. PAIR – “Physical ActIvity after knee or hip Replacement”. (01.01.2020-31.12.2022). Contract 613008-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-SPO-SCP, Prot.N 368/24.07.2020.

AAL ”CoachMyLife”, (AAL-CP-2018-5-120-CoachMyLife-2), (2019-2021). Contract 81 din 01/07/2019.

PN-III-CERC-CO-PTE-2-2019 “Sistem mecatronic pentru controlul centrului de masă la persoanele cu dizabiltăți locomotorii – CoMControl. (1.06.2020-30.04.2022), Contract 17PTE/2020.

Proiectul Active and Assisted Living „Grădina Simțurilor – varianta pentru uz la domiciliu” SENSE-GARDE Home – SGH, AL-SCP-2020-7-270-SGH-1, Contract nr 230/2021.

Soluții – 2020 – 2 – “Dezvoltarea de tehnologii și sisteme de diagnostic local și la distanță eficiente al infectării cu virusul SARS-CoV-2”. PN-III-P2-2.1-SOL-2020-2-0360.

AAL “Virtual and memory adaptable spaces creating stimuli for the senses in ageing people with dementia SENSE-GARDEN”,51/14.06.2017.

Erasmus + ”Bridge”, Ref: 2018-1-EL01-KA204-047892.

„Computer Assisted and Information Feedback Training for Human Spaceflight Support” – STARWALKER. Coordinator: Institute of Space Science; INFLPR-ISS (2013 – 2018)

„Harmonic Mechanical Vibrations Mechatronic System for Muscle Force and Resistance Improving and Bone Mineral Density Increasing Effect” – B&M-Vibe. PNCDI III-P2-2.1-BG (2016-2017)

“3-D Mechatronic Reality System for Rehabilitation Learning in Real and Virtual Integrated Environments” –RELIVE, PNII. (2012 – 2016) Contract nr. 190/2012.

“Inertial Sensing Systems for Advanced Chronic Condition   Monitoring and Risk Prevention”. IS-ACTIVE. Partnership in Ambient Assisted Living Priority Domains. (2009-2012).

„Computer Assisted and Information Feedback Training for Human Spaceflight Support” – STARWALKER. Coordinator: Institute of Space Science; INFLPR-ISS (2013-2016)
Cost Office TransDomain Action TD1006 – „European Network for NeuroRehabilitation” (2011 – 2015)

”Advanced Rehabilitation Technology” – MSC ART– European Master (Erasmus) (2011 – 2014)

„Inertial Sensing Systems for Advanced Chronic Condition Monitoring and Risk Prevention”. IS-ACTIVE. Partnership in Ambient Assisted Living Priority Domains. External link:, / 2009-2012

„Integrated System for Characterization, Monitoring, and Assisted Training of Human Locomotion. CAMONAL”. PNCD II – Capacitati.Contract nr. 82089/01.10.2008 External link:

Research of Mechatronic Systems for Gait Movement Simulation in Rehabilitation of Locomotor Handicap Patients. SIMESIM, CEEX No. 79/2006-VIASAN,
Contribution to Postural Stability Assessment and to Dynamic Balance in Neurological Disfunctions, Normality or Human Performance.CNCSIS Nr. 899

Non-conventional diagnosis equipment – IRTEST”). Beneficiary: AMCSIT-MEdC.IRTEST. National Program RELANSIN no. 1756/2003 (no. 18-04-01/UPB)
Thermovision Day/Night Observational Unit Without Cooling System. COMBITERM. Beneficiary: AMCSIT-MedC. National Program RELANSIN nr. 1775/2003 (nr. 18-04-02/UPB).

Respiratory Rehabilitation Network for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. REABILUM. PNCD II – Capacities
EUROP_RO Technological Platform –National Synergic Framework for Promotion of Romanian Participation, Research and Industry in PC7 and for Development of European Partnership in Robotics. EUROP_RO. CEEX-Module IV

Pilot Center for Neuromotor Rehabilitation. Application in patients with nutritional disorders. VIASAN

Completed Financed Research Studies:

Acute pain episodes of knee and ∕or hip osteoarthritis – Phase IV.
Impact of bone- marker feed-back on adherence in the treatment of patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis, Phase III.
Local tolerability for cutaneous spray solution – Phase IV.
Pain in knee arthrosis , Phase III.
Epidemiological Study of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Prevalence. PREVOSS, Nr. Protocol: ICE 12 911 62 ROM.
Multi – National Epidemiology Survey in Osteoporosis – MESOP, Nr, 1507/30 05. 2005 Academia de Stiinte Medicale.
Correlations between Dynamics of Inflammatory and Biochemical Parameters and Stroke Rehabilitation. “Carol Davila” Medicine University, Bucharest.2010.
Randomized, Controlled, Parallel, Prospective Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Secondary Prophylaxis With rFVIII Therapy in Severe Hemophilia A Adult Subjects Compared to That of Episodic Treatment. (SPINART). External link:
Observational Study to Evaluate the Implantation Procedure of the ActiGait Dropfoot Stimulator System(ActiGait) External link:


Mihai Berteanu, Professor of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), MD PhD Senior Consultant, European Board Certified.
Luminita Dumitru, Lecturer of PRM, M.D., Ph.D., Senior Consultant, European Board Certified.
Horatiu Dinu, Lecturer of PRM, MD., PhD., Senior Consultant, European Board Certified.
Ruxandra Badea, MD., PhD., Scientific Researcher III, PRM Consultant, European Board Certified.
Simona Elena Savulescu, University Assistant of PRM, MD, PhD, PRM Consultant.
Alina Iliescu, Lecturer in PRM,  MD, Physical Therapist, PhD.
Marius Nicolae Popescu, University Assistant of PRM, MD PhD, PRM Consultant.
Matei Teodorescu, Scientific Researcher III, PRM MD PhD, PRM Consultant.
Andreea Marin, Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, PhD.
Ileana Ciobanu, Scientific Researcher III, Biologist, Master in Neurobiology, PhD.
Claudiu Georgescu, Physical Therapy Assistant, Philologist.


ISI fulltext:

Joymangul JS, Ciobanu I, Agnoloni F, Lampe J, Pedrini C, Pinto A, Franceschini B, Nicolas D, Tamburini E, Cecchi F, Berteanu M et al. Empowering Active and Healthy Ageing: Integrating IoT and Wearable Technologies for Personalised Interventions. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(11):4789. (IF 2,5).
Potcovaru C-G, Salmen T, Bîgu D, Săndulescu MI, Filip PV, Diaconu LS, Pop C, Ciobanu I, Cinteză D, Berteanu M. Assessing the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Interventions through the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 on Disability—A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024; 13(5):1252. (IF 3.9)
Mihai EE, Papathanasiou J, Panayotov K, Kashilska Y, Rosulescu E, Foti C, Berteanu M. Conventional physical therapy combined with extracorporeal shock wave leads to positive effects on spasticity in stroke survivors: a prospective observational study. Eur J Transl Myol. 2023 Sep 4;33(3):11607. doi: 10.4081/ejtm.2023.11607.(ISI IF 2,2)
Zampolini M, Selb M, Boldrini P, Branco CA, Golyk V, Hu X, Kiekens C, Negrini S, Nulle A, Oral A, Sgantzos M, Shmonin A, Treger I, Stucki G; UEMS-PRM Section and Board – M Berteanu. The Individual Rehabilitation Project as the core of person-centered rehabilitation: the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section and Board of the European Union of Medical Specialists Framework for Rehabilitation in Europe. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2022 Aug;58(4):503-510. doi: 10.23736/S1973-9087.22.07402-0. Epub 2022 Feb 11. PMID: 35148044, IF=5.313.)
Ciobanu, M. N. Popescu, M. Berteanu, M. G. Barbu, D. C. Thompson, M. G. Iliescu, C. Beiu, C. I. Enachescu. Neurorehabilitation Using Virtual Reality in Post-Stroke Patients: Medical Utility and Ethical Aspects. Rom J Leg Med30(3)171-179(2022). DOI:10.4323/rjlm.2022.171. (IF=0,164).
Mihai EE, Popescu MN, Iliescu AN, Berteanu M. A systematic review on extracorporeal shock wave therapy and botulinum toxin for spasticity treatment: a comparison on efficacy. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2022 Aug;58(4):565-574. doi: 10.23736/S1973-9087.22.07136-2. (Impact Factor 5.313)
Yvet Mooiweer, Martin Stevens, Inge van den Akker-Scheek and PAIR study group PAIR study group: Giuseppe Barone, Francesco Benvenuti, Mihai Berteanu, et al. Being active with a total hip or knee prosthesis: a systematic review into physical activity and sports recommendations and interventions to improve physical activity behavior. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2022) 19:7. 16 pgs. (IF = 2,517)
Madalina Gabriela Iliescu, Elena-Valentina Ionescu, Irina Tica, Marius-Dragos Prazaru, Florina Ligia Popa, Marius Nicolae Popescu, Mihai Berteanu, Laszlo Irsay, Viorela Mihaela Ciortea, Felix Voinea, Bogdan Obada, Lucian Petcu, Andra Iulia Suceveanu. The Role of Natural Biotherapeutic Factors in Pain and Functional Management of Knee Osteoarthritis. FARMACIA, 2022, Vol. 70, 1. Pg 65-69. (IF = 1,433)
Mihai Emanuela Elena, Mihai Ilie Valentin, Berteanu M. Effectiveness of Radial Extracorporeal ShockWave Therapy and Visual Feedback Balance Training on Lower Limb Post-Stroke Spasticity, Trunk Performance, and Balance: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 147. (IF = 4,242)
Mooiweer Y, van den Akker-Scheek I, Stevens M, On behalf of the PAIR study group – M Berteanu (2021) Amount and type of physical activity and sports from one year forward after hip or knee arthroplasty—A systematic review. PLoS ONE 16(12): e0261784. (IF = 3,24)
Barone, G., Zinno, R., Pinelli, E., Pair Study Group (including Berteanu Mihai, Ciobanu Ileana, Iliescu Alina), Benvenuti, F., & Bragonzoni, L. (2021). Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of an Exercise Program for Persons with Total Hip or Total Knee Replacement: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(13), 6732. (IF = 3,390)
Mihai E E, Popescu M N, Beiu C, Gheorghe Luca, Berteanu Mihai. (November 02, 2021) Tele-Rehabilitation Strategies for a Patient with Post-stroke Spasticity: A Powerful Tool Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus 13(11): e19201. doi:10.7759/cureus.19201 (IF = 1,15)
Marius Nicolae Popescu, Mădălina Gabriela Iliescu, Cristina Beiu, Liliana Gabriela Popa, Mara Mădălina Mihai, Mihai Berteanu, Anca Mirela Ionescu. Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma Efficacy in the Field of Regenerative Medicine: Product and Quality Control. BioMed Research International, vol. 2021, Article ID 4672959, 6 pages, 2021. (PubMed)
Savulescu SE, Berteanu M, Filipescu I, Beiu C, Mihai MM, Popa LG, Popescu SI, Balescu I, Bacalbasa N, Popescu MN. Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (rPMS) in Subjects with Lumbar Radiculopathy: An Electromyography-guided Prospective, Randomized Study. In Vivo. 2021 Jan-Feb;35(1):623-627. (Impact factor (2019): 1.541)
Mihai EE, Dumitru L, Mihai IV, Berteanu M. Long-Term Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Lower Limb Post-Stroke Spasticity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. J Clin Med. 2020 Dec 29;10(1):86. doi: 10.3390/jcm10010086. (IF 3,303)
Thompson DC, Barbu MG, Beiu C, Popa LG, Mihai MM, Berteanu M, Popescu MN. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Long-Term Care Facilities Worldwide: An Overview on International Issues. Biomed Res Int. 2020:8870249. (IF 2.276).
Avram, Rodica Lucia; Nechita, Alexandru Cristian; Popescu, Marius Nicolae; Teodorescu, Matei; Ghilencea, Liviu Nicolae; Turcu, Diana; Berteanu, Mihai. Effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Acute Heart Failure – Results of a Single-Center Randomized Trial. Journal of Science and Arts Year 20, No. 2(51), pp. 491-500, 2020. (IF 0.4)
Cimpean C, Berteanu M. The influence of natural saline solutions on dihydrate copper chloride crystallization. Rev. Chim. 2020 Feb;71(2):110-114. Available from:
Reynders-Frederix C, Reynders-Frederix P, Innocenti B, Berteanu M. Development of an electronic assistive walking Device. Rom Biotechnol Lett. 2020; 25(5): 1992-1997. doi: 10.25083/rbl/25.5/1992.1997 (IF5 0.823).
Goodall G, Ciobanu I, Taraldsen K, Sørgaard J, Marin A, Drăghici R, Zamfir MV, Berteanu M, Maetzler W, Serrano JA. The Use of Virtual and Immersive Technology in Creating Personalized Multisensory Spaces for People Living With Dementia (SENSE-GARDEN): Protocol for a Multisite Before-After Trial. JMIR Res Protoc 2019;8(9):e14096. DOI: 10.2196/1409.(IF 2023 = 1.7)
Tadeusz Mikolajczyk, Ileana Ciobanu, Doina Ioana Badea, Alina Iliescu, Sara Pizzamiglio, Thomas Schauer, Thomas Seel, Petre Lucian Seiciu, Duncan L Turner, and Mihai Berteanu. ”Advanced technology for gait rehabilitation: An overview. Advances in Mechanical Engineering,, First Published July 29, 2018 (IF5y = 1.8)
F Posteraro, S Crea, S Mazzoleni, M Berteanu, I Ciobanu, N Vitello, M Cempini, S Gervasio, N Mrachacz-Kersting. Technologically-advanced assessment of upper-limb spasticity: a pilot study. Eu J of Phys Rehab Med. 2017 Sep 04. DOI: 10.23736/S1973- 9087.17.04815-8.
Capatina C , Caragheorgheopol A, Berteanu M, Poiana C. Short-term Administration of Alphacalcidol is Associated with More Significant Improvement of Muscular Performance in Women with Vitamin D Deficiency Compared to Native Vitamin D. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & DIABETES Volume: 124 Issue: 8 Pages: 461-465 DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-103932 Published: SEP 2016 (IF 1.5)
F.L.Popa, M. Stanciu, A. Banciu, M. Berteanu. Association between low bone mineral density, metabolic syndrome and sex steroids deficiency in men. Acta Endocrinologica, vol. XII, no.4, p.418-422, 2016. (IF 0.25)
„Hip Vertical Movement Mechatronic System for Gait Rehabilitation”. Seiciu P.L., Popescu A.M., Ciobanu I., Iliescu A.N., Berteanu M. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, Volume 17, Number 3/2016, pp. 253–258
„Decreased serum levels of sex steroids associated with osteoporosis in a group of Romanian male patients”. Florina Ligia Popa, Mihaela Stanciu, Adrian Bighea, Mihai Berteanu, Ioan Gheorghe Totoianu, Maria Rotaru. Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 24, Nr. 1, Martie, 2016. Pag.75-82
„Vitamin D Deficiency and Musculoskeletal Function in the Elderly”. Cristina Căpățână, Mara Carsote, Catalina Poiana, Mihai Berteanu. Strength and Conditioning Jorunal, 2015, Vol. 37, Nr. 1, 24 – 29.
„Position paper on PRM and persons with long term disabilities”. P. Takac, J Petrovicova, K. Stibrant Sunnerhagen, V. Neumann, A. Vetra, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2014;50:453-64.
„UEMS – Position Paper. New Technologies designed to improve functioning: the role of the physical and rehabilitation medicine physician.” A. Giustini, E. Varela, M. Franceschini, J. Votava, M. Zampolini, M. Berteanu, N. Christodoulou.Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2014;50:579-83.
„Eight papers from UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee”. N. Christodoulou, M. Zampolini, M. Berteanu, S. Negrini. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:533-4.
„Generalised and regional soft tissue pain syndromes. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, R. Valero, M. Berteanu, N.Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:535-49.
„Inflammatory arthritis. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidnece”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM SectionProfessional Practice Committee. A.A. Kucukdeveci, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, E. Varela, R. Valero, M. Berteanu, N.Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:551-64.
„Osteoporosis. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, R. Valero, M. Berteanu, N.Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:565-77
„Osteoarthritis. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. E.M. Ilieva, A.Oral, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, R. Valero, M. Berteanu, N.Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:579-93.
„Spinal pain management. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. R. Valero, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, M. Berteanu, N.Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:715-25.
„Local soft tissue musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. R. Valero, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, M. Berteanu, N.Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:727-42.
„Shoulder pain management”. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee. R. Valero, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, E. Varela, M. Berteanu, N.Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:715-25.
„Musculoskeletal perioperative problems. The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Physicians. The European perspective based on the best evidence”. A paper by the UEMS-PRM Section Professional Practice Committee.E. Varela, R. Valero, A.Oral, E.M. Ilieva, A.A. Kucukdeveci, M. Berteanu, N.Christodoulou. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2013;49:753-9.
„Effect of the nutritional supplement ALAnerv® on the serum PON1 activity in post-acute stroke patients.” Bogdan N. Manolescu, Mihai Berteanu, Delia Cintezã. Pharmacological Reports. 2013, 65, 743-750.
„The effect of the ALAnerv nutritional supplement on some oxidative stress markers in postacute stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation.” Eliza Oprea, Mihai Berteanu, Delia Cintezã, Bogdan Nicolae Manolescu. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 2013, 38(999): 613-620
„Role of the physical and rehabilitation medicine specialist regarding children and adolescents with acquired brain injury”. E. Varela-Donoso, H. Damjan, S. Munoz-Lasa, R. Valero-Alcaide, V. Neumann, M. Chevignard, M. Berteanu, C. Nicolas. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2013 (ISI article)Apr;49(2):213-21. Epub 2013 Apr 5. (Impact Factor of 2,06)
„A Position Paper on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Programmes in Post-Acute Settings. Special Report”. Anthony B. Ward,Crhristoph Gutenbrunner, Alessandro Giustini, Alain Delarque, Veronika Fialka-Moser, Carlotte Kiekens, Mihai Berteanu, Nicolas Christodoulou. J Rehabil Med 2012; 44: 289-298
„Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in assessing moral damages”. Andrei Nanu, Diana Georgescu, Diana Bulgaru, Mihai Berteanu, Crina Radulescu. Rom J Leg Med [20] 77-82 [2012], DOI: 10.4323/rjlm.2012.77
„Dynamic of oxidative and nitrosative stress markers during the convalescent period of stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation”. Bogdan Manolescu, Mihai Berteanu, Eliza Oprea, N. Chiriac, Luminita Dumitru, Suzana Vladoiu, Oana Popa, Olga Ianas, Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, in press, 2011
„Homocysteine and vitamin therapy in stroke prevention andtreatment: a review”. Bogdan N. Manolescu, Eliza Oprea, Ileana C. Farcasanu, Mihai Berteanu, Cornelia Cercasov. Acta Biochimica Polonica, Vol. 57, No. 4/2010, 467–477 (ISI Review)
„Dynamics of inflammatory markers in post acute stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation”. Bogdan Manolescu, Mihai Berteanu, Luminita Dumitru, Horatiu Dinu, Alina Iliescu, Ileana Cornelia Farcasanu, Eliza Oprea, Suzana Vladoiu, Oana Popa, Olga Ianas., Inflammation, DOI: 10.1007/s10753-010-9262-8, 2010
„Fatty acids based biological membrane simple models”. M.Ghelmez(Dumitru), M.Berteanu, B.Dumitru.( 8th Intl Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, July 5-8, 2007, Constanta, Romania).Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (JOAM), Vol.10, Issue 3, pag. 707-712, 2008.
„White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Europe”, The Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Union Europeene des Medecins Specialistes (UEMS), J Rehabil Med 2007; 39: 1-48. DOI: 10.2340/16501977-0028. Suppl No. 45. Contributors:Andre Bardot, Michel Barat, Laurent Bensoussan, Mihai Berteanu, Pedro Cantista, M Anne Chamberlain, Nicolas Christodolou, Alarcos Cieza, Alain Delarque, Jean Pierre Didier, Veronika Fialka-Moser, Franco Franchignoni, Alessandro Giustini, Christoph Gutenbrunner, Gustaaf Lankhorst, Lindsay McLellan, Fernando Parada, Joao Pascoa Pimheiro, Michael Quittan, Bengt Sjolund, Henk Stam, Gerold Stucki, Guy Vanderstraeten, Anthony B Ward, Jiri Votava, Jean-Michel Viton.
„Chronic Pain Management in the Elderly.” M.Berteanu, C.Berteanu, I.Onac. Europa Medicophysica, Vol. 42, suppl. 1 to issue no. 3, 2006: 21-23, ISSN 0014-2573.
„Rationale of Epidural Steroids in Pain Management”. M.Berteanu, C.Berteanu, D.Ionescu, L.Azamfirei. Europa Medicophysica, Vol. 42, suppl. 1 to issue no. 3, 2006: 140-142, ISSN 0014-2573.
„What’s New in CRPS and its Management?” C.Berteanu, M.Berteanu, C.Cirstoiu, M.Cirstoiu. Europa Medicophysica, Vol. 42, suppl. 1 to issue no. 3, 2006: 142-144, ISSN 0014-2573
„ICF Core Sets for Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease”. A Cieza, A Stucki, S Geyh, M Berteanu, M Quittan, A Simon, N Konstanjsek, G Stucki, N Walsh. J Rehabil Med 2004; Suppl. 44: 94-99. ISSN 1650-1969.
„Non-Velocity related effects of a rigid double-stopped ankle-foot orthosis on gait and lower limb muscle activity of hemiparetic subjects with an equinovarius deformity”. S. Hesse, M. Berteanu et Al. Stroke, 1999;30:1855-1861

ISI proceedings fulltext:
„Elements of Gait Kinematic Analyze in CAMONAL Project. Mihai Berteanu, Pierre de Hillerin, Radu Bidiugan, Ileana Ciobanu, Ruxandra Badea, Luminita Dumitru, Alina Iliescu, Horatiu Dinu. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 436 (2013) pp 247-254
„Changes in Spastic Muscle Architecture in Stroke Patients – Ultrasound Assessment.” R.I. Badea, H. Dinu, L.V. Dumitru, A. N. Iliescu, I. Ciobanu, M. Berteanu. Proceedings of the 18th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Thessaloniki, Greece , May 28 -June 1, 2012. Edizioni Minerva Medica ISBN 978-88-7711-616-1, Pag. 24-26
„Advanced Rehabilitation Technology.” Ileana Ciobanu, Mihai Berteanu. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 186 (2012) pp 35-45.

ISI proceedings abstracts:
„Tramadol influence on Exercise Capacity in Subjects with Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain”. A.M.Ionescu, B.N. Manolescu, R. Popa, R. Badea, S.E. Săvulescu, L. Dumitru, H. Dinu, S. Tache, M. Berteanu. J of Rehab Med Suppl 54, pg 99, Abstracts The 9th World Congress of International Society of PRM, 2015, ISSN 1650-1977
„A Clinical Case: Stroke in Patients with Overlap Syndrome”. D.I.Stanculescu, E. Mustafa, C. Malin, L. Grozoiu, H. Dinu, M. Berteanu J of Rehab Med Suppl 54, pg 488, Abstracts The 9th World Congress of International Society of PRM, 2015, ISSN 1650-1977
„Cognitive Optimization – Interim Results of a Pilot Study”. A. Marin, H. Dinu, I. Ciobanu, L. Dumitru, R. Badea, S. Savulescu, L. Grozoiu, N.A. Cojan Carlea, M. Berteanu. J of Rehab Med Suppl 54, pg 206, Abstracts The 9th World Congress of International Society of PRM, 2015, ISSN 1650-1977
„Tramadol effects on exercise capacity in patients with low back pain”. A.M.Ionescu, R. Badea, M. Berteanu et al . Ann Rheum Dis 2014;73(Suppl2)
„The dynamic of some plasma oxidative stress markers in stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation”. Bogdan Manolescu, Mihai Berteanu, Eliza Oprea, Luminita Dumitru, Ileana Farcasanu, Alina Iliescu, Badea Ruxandra, Claudia Toma. Abstract in FEBS J., 277 (supl 1):81, 2010
„Dynamic of protein carbonyls and nitrite in patients with first-ever stroke”. Mihai Berteanu, Luminita Dumitru, Bogdan Manolescu,I. Anghel, Eliza Oprea, Ileana Farcasanu. Abstract in EUR J CLIN INVEST, 40(supl 1):3, 2010.
„Plasma status of homocysteine and lipoproteine(a) during chronic phase of stroke”. Bogdan Manolescu, Mihai Berteanu, Ileana Farcasanu, Luminita Dumitru, Eliza Oprea, Alina Iliescu, Badea Ruxandra, Claudia Toma . FEBS J., 277 (supl 1):81, 2010
„Dynamic of some oxidative stress markers in patients with first-ever ischemic stroke”. Bogdan Manolescu, Mihai Berteanu, Luminita Dumitru, Horatiu Dinu, Ruxandra Badea, Eliza Oprea, Ileana Facasanu. Abstract in FREE RADICAL BIO MED, 47 (supl 1):S63, 2009.
„Evaluation of the fasting plasma triglyceride level in patients with first ever stroke”. B. Manolescu, L. Dumitru, A. Iliescu, E. Dogaru, M. Berteanu. Abst Chem and Physics of Lipids 160s (2009) S40-S44 (poster abstract, ISI).

Other IDB publications:
„Physical performance in women with vitamin D deficiency”. Capatana C, Carsote M, Berteanu M, Poiana C. Endocrine Abstracts (2015) 37 GP11.09
„Instrumented Gait Analysis for Assessing the Efficiency of a Complex Rehabilitation Program in Patients with Stroke – a Case Study”. Cojan-Carlea N. A., Badea R. I., Iliescu A. N., Ciobanu I., Berteanu M., Advanced Research in Aerospace Engineering, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering and Biomedicine – Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 811, pp 347-352, ISSN: 1660 -9336, 2015.
„Infrared Thermography – a Tool for Computer Assisted Research inRehabilitation Medicine”. Cojocaru Marius Cristian, Cojocaru Ioana Maria, Cojan Carlea Nida Alexandra, Cinteza Delia, Berteanu Mihai. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 772 (2015) pp 603-607.
„Facial Paralysis – Thermal Patterns”. Cojocaru Ioana Maria, Cojocaru Marius Cristian, Ciobanu Ileana, Berteanu Mihai, Giurcaneanu Calin. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 772 (2015) pp 608-612
„Technology for Post – Stroke Cognitive Rehabilitation”. Andreea Georgiana Marin, Petre Lucian Seiciu, Alina Magdalena Popescu, Adrian Bighea, Mihai Berteanu. International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences Vol. 4, No.2, April 2015, 146-150.
„Trigger points – ultrasound and thermal findings”. Cojocaru MC, Cojocaru IM, Voiculescu VM, Cojan-Carlea NA, Dumitru VL, Berteanu M. Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 8, Issue 3, July‐September 2015, pp.315‐318. ISSN: 18443117
„Effects of tramadol treatment on aerobic exercise capacity in subjects with chronic non-specific low back pain”. Andreea Marilena Ionescu, Bogdan Nicolae Manolescu, Roxana Popa, Ruxandra Badea, Simona Săvulescu, Simona Tache, Mihai Berteanu. Palestrica of the third millennium Civilization and sport Vol. 16, no. 3, July-September 2015: 214–218 . ISSN 1582-1943
„Usefulness and Importance of Informatics Solution in Evaluating Disability – Starting Point formPhysical and Rehabilitation Medicine – Draft Application”.Nida Alexandra Cojan Carlea, Cristian Marius Cojocaru, Adrian Bighea, Florina Popa, Mihai Berteanu. Maedica a Journal of Clinical Medicine 2015;10(2):153-158.
„Ultraviolet Radiation Therapy in Wound Healing – an Orientation Paper”. M. Hatami Kaleshtari, I. Ciobanu, A. Bighea, F. Popa, M. Berteanu. J Transl Med Res Vol 20 (2), 2015, pp 3-7.
„The Effectiveness of Peripheral Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”. Simona Elena Săvulescu, LuminiÈ›a Dumitru, HoraÈ›iu Dinu, Lavinia Nicolae, Andreea Ionescu, Alina Iliescu, Dan Botezatu, Ileana Ciobanu, Mihai Berteanu. Analele Universității Dunărea de Jos din GalaÈ›i, Fascicula XVII, Medicină, No. 1/2015, 37-45.
„Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation in Stroke Rehabilitation A Case Study”. Lavinia Grozoiu, Savulescu Simona, Stefan Hesse, Adrian Bighea, and Mihai Berteanu. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2016: 608-611.
„Peripheral Repetitive Magnetic Stimulation: A Novel Approach for Hand Rehabilitation in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – A Pilot Study”. Savulescu Simona Elena, Grozoiu Lavinia, Popa Florina, Dumitru Luminita, and Berteanu Mihai. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2016: 604-607.
„Towards a Model of Rehabilitation Technology Acceptance and Usability” Mohammad Hatami Kaleshtari, Ileana Ciobanu, Petre Lucian Seiciu, Andreea Georgiana Marin, and Mihai Berteanu International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2016: 612-616.
„Developing an Online Web Application for Disability Evaluation on a Medical, Social and Computerized Level”. Nida-Alexandra Cojan-Carlea, Cristian Marius Cojocaru, Florina Popa, Mihai Berteanu. Applied Medical Informatics Vol. 36, No. 1/2015, pp: 45-50.
„Vitamin D deficiency in postmenopausal women – biological correlates”. Cristina Capatana, Mara Carsote, Andra Caragheorghepol, Catalina Poiana, Mihai Berteanu. Maedica, Vol. 9 No.4, 2014, pages: 316-322.(IDB)
„Paraoxonase 1 – an Update of the Antioxidant Properties of High Density Lipoproteins”. Manolescu B, Busu C, Stanculescu R, Berteanu M. Maedica2015; 10(2):173-177.
„Physiological considerations on Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) in muscular strength training”. Luminita Dumitru, Alina Iliescu, Cristian Dumitru, Ruxandra Badea, Simona Savulescu, Horatiu Dinu, Mihai Berteanu. Palestrica of the third millenium – Civilization and Sport, Vol. 15, no. 2, April-June 2014, 134-139 (IDB)
„A new approach to gait rehabilitation”. Mihai Berteanu, Petre Lucian Seiciu, Ileana Ciobanu, Alina Iliescu. Abstract Poster no. 148. Robotics / Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 57S (2014) e10–e13
„Assessing the Relationship between Joint Damage and Gait Impairment in Children with Haemophilic Arthropathy. A Clinical Study”. Iliescu Alina, Ciobanu Ileana, Badea Ruxandra, Dumitru Luminita, Marin Andreea, Dinu Horatiu, Berteanu Mihai. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 656 (2014) pp 634-641
„Rationale for designing a new system for gait rehabilitation”. Mihai Berteanu, Petre Lucian Seiciu, Ileana Ciobanu, Alina Iliescu, Ruxandra Ileana Badea, Andreea Georgiana Marin. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 555 (2014) pp 681-688
„Healthier by safe persuasion.” M. Berteanu, R. Badea, L. Dumitru, H. Dinu, A. Iliescu, I. Ciobanu, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 245 (2013) pp 9-14.
„The Relationship Between Alanerv® Consumption and Erythrocytes’ Glyoxalases I and II Activities and The Level of Some Serum Markers of Carbonyl Stress in Post-Acute Stroke Patients Undergoing Rehabilitation”. Eliza OPREA; Delia CINTEZA; Mihai BERTEANU; Bogdan Nicolae MANOLESCU. Maedica (Buchar). 2013 Sep;8(3):249-55. (IDB)
„The role of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist in Lymphoedema.” V. Fialka Moser, M. Berteanu et Al. Annals of Phys and Rehab Med, 56 (2013), 396 – 410
„The lower limb prosthetic devices quality management”. M. Buzatu, Gh. Gheorghe, O. Dontu, M. Berteanu. The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2013, No. 44 6, pg:135-139
„A new approach to estimate the anaerobic capacity of the top athletes”. A Apostol, A. Ionescu, M. Vasilescu, M. Berteanu. Medicina Sportiva 2013, vol.17 issue 3, p2147 (IDB)
„Efficiency and safety of the use of Stopartroz Ultra for patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis”. Mihai Berteanu, Ileana Ciobanu. Ro J Phys Rehabil Med, Vol. 23, 2013.
„Acceptance and usability of an ambulant activity coach for patients with COPD”. Monique Tabac, Hermie Hermens, Tatjana Burkow, Ileana Ciobanu, Mihai Berteanu. Proceedings of the IADIS International conference e-Health 2013, 24-26 July 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, pp 61-68. ISBN: 978-972-8939-87-8
„Disability in COPD and Chronic Heart Failure. Is the Skeletal Muscle the Final Common Pathway?” Dumitru L, Iliescu A, Dinu H, Badea R., Savulescu S., Huidu S., Berteanu M. .Maedica. A Journal of Clinical Medicine 2013; 8(2): 206-213
„Inertial sensing system for advanced chronic condition monitoring and risk prevention”. Berteanu M, Badea R, Dumitru L, Iliescu A, Dinu H, Ciobanu I. 12th Congress of European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation. Phys Med Rehab 2013; (59 Suppl 2): 10
„Biochemical and physiological basis of muscle pain”. Andreea Marilena Ionescu, Simona Tache, Mihai Berteanu. Palestrica of the third millennium – Civilization and Sport, Vol. 13, no. 1, January-March 2012, 48-51
„Voltammetric determination of antioxidant capacity in plasma samples from stroke patients”. C. Lete, M. Marin, B. Manolescu, E. Oprea, Ch. Comminelis, M. Berteanu. 219th ECS Meeting, 2011, The Electrochemical Society, Abstract no.1021.
„The particularitiesof specific kinetotherapy on elderly patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures”. H. Dinu, N. Teleki, M. Berteanu, L. Dumitru, A. Iliescu, A. Ionescu, R. Badea. Palestrica of the Third Millenium, 2011– Vol 12, no 4: 387-390.
„The effects of the ActiGait implantable dropfoot stimulator on the temporal and spatial parameters of gait”. A. Iliescu, L. Dumitru, H. Dinu, S. Manoila, C. Toma, M. Berteanu. Posters and Communications from the 17th ESPRM European Congress of Phys and Rehab Med 2010, Ed Minerva Medica, pp 163-165.
„The influence of physical exercise on arterial stiffness”. A. Ionescu, M. Berteanu. Pallestrica mill III. Vol.11 no.2, April 2010. 153-157
„Contributions to the assessment of postural stability and dynamic balance in some neurological dysfunctions in human normality or performance”. S. Tiron, M. Berteanu, A. Cretu, M. Anton, A. Gagea. Palestrica Mill III. Vol„ X no.1(35), March 2009, 64-68.
„Motivated options of the osteoporosis pathophysiology fiels for the prophylaxis exercises in the osteoporosis fractures”. H. Dinu, L. Dumitru, C. Toma, R. Badea, A. Iliescu, M. Berteanu. Proceedings of the 16th European Congress of Phys and Rehab Med, Brugge, Belgium, 3-7 June 2008. Ed Minerva Medica, p 266-267.


Mihai Berteanu
M.D., Ph.D., Prof.

Elias University Hospital
Departament of Rehabilitation Medicine

Elias Rehabilitation Research Unit

17 Marasti Blvd.
Bucharest Sector 1 ROMANIA
Postal code: 011461

Phone: + 40 21 3161629

Fax: + 40 21 3118141


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